45 year gentleman, from non-endemic zone for goitre with-
Painless swelling midline neck-15 years
Gradually increasing in size- 6 months
No constitutional features
No history suggestive of local compression/
infiltration/ distance metastasis
No history suggestive of hypo/hyperthyroidism
Local examination-
Single swelling in midline of neck just above
thyroid cartilage
Size (4*4cm)
Move with protrusion of tongue {how to examine – patient neck extended,
mouth remain opened during whole period of this examination, patient is asked
to protrude the tongue or deglutinate, note for movement of swelling ,
reason for keeping the patient neck in extended position- impair the mobility
in flexed posture, it would not be clearly seen in flexed posture, thyroglossal
tract will become coiled in flexed posture}
Surface- smooth
Margins are well defined
Skin overlying swelling- normal
On skin there is a mark of needle aspiration
No regional lymphadenopathy
Rest of head and neck and cervical spine
examination was normal
Why Transillumination test is usually negative
in thyroid swelling?
It is because of content-CHOLESTEROL CRYSTALS
Any swelling which arise from thyroid or
pretracheal fasciae will move with deglutition
Eg- thyroid, pretracheal lymphnodes, subhyoid bursae, laryngocele,
Pre tracheal lymphnodes, subhyoid bursae,
laryngocele – not move with protrusion of tongue
diagnosis in this case- Thyroglossal
Approach to the patient-
Only swelling moving with protrusion of tongue- thyroglossal
If thyroglossal tract does not operated - what
will happen?- infection (arising from oral cavity, Waldeyers ring,
haematogenous), haemorrhage, torsion, malignancy(papillary).
Investigation –
Confirm the diagnosis-
USG Thyroid {where is the cyst, where it lies,
thyroid gland status}.
USG guided FNAC if malignancy suspected (FNAC
not to be done for simply diagnosing the case because there is chance of
introducing infection)
Thyroid function test
Support the diagnosis –
To treat the patient -
Informed consent- include there may be change in voice (superior
laryngeal is more close to thyroid- pitch and timber of voice will be affected)
Surgery- Sistrunk operation {excision of cyst,
resection of body of hyoid bone, excision of thyroglossal tract- go the the
base of mylohoid muscle and ask the anaesthetist to push the tongue down, level
VI lymph node will be involved}
incision should be higher up than normal thyroid incision and should be
in the crease.
Why higher up incision?- 1. cyst is higher up 2. Hyoid bone excision.
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